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Advanced Learning Platform

Contextual Learning Made Easy

Learning Through Collaboration

Learning is a complex process that involves many different skills and abilities. We gather new facts, hear and visualize information, memorize facts, follow instructions, and make sense of new information by connecting it to what we already know. The mind naturally seeks meaning in context, so when we learn something new, we try to relate it to our own experiences and find ways to use it in the real world. This is why contextual learning is so effective. When we learn in a real-world context, we are more likely to understand and remember the information.

Collaboration is a powerful tool for contextual learning. When learners collaborate, they share their knowledge and experiences, and they learn from each other. This makes learning more meaningful and engaging, and it also helps learners to develop important skills such as communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

The Many Faces of Collaboration

The platform provides a variety of tools and features that allow learners to share their knowledge and experiences, and to learn from each other.

Peer learning

Peer learning is a type of collaboration in which students work together to learn a new concept or skill. This can be done in small groups or in pairs using smaller discussion groups, and one-one conversations within the platform.

Project-based learning

Project-based learning is a type of collaboration in which students work together to complete a project. Contextual messaging and discussions over shared activities are important tools that can help students to deliver a collaborative project.

Online collaboration

Online collaboration allows learners to collaborate with others to improve understanding, problem-solving and increase engagement through video conference scheduling, online chat, or shared documents.

How we make it possible
Discussion Groups

Allows learners to be added to discussion groups based on their skill levels and topic of interest.

  • Collaborate with each other and with the instructor.

  • Provide a forum for learners to discuss the course material

  • Provide a forum for learners to get feedback on their work

  • Create a sense of community among learners of similar level and interests

Contextual Conversations

Allows learners to have conversations about the course material in the context of the material itself. For example, learners could have a conversation about a specific section of a textbook or a video lecture.

  • Discuss the material in the same way that they would discuss it in a face-to-face setting

  • Discuss the material in real-time as they are learning it, which can help them to understand the material better

  • Participate in the conversations at their own pace, which can be helpful for learners to manage their schedule

  • Learn from each other and to get help with the course material

Dynamic Lesson Plans

Allows instructors to create and share dynamic lesson plans that can be customized to the needs of the learners.

  • Instructors can tailor the plan to the specific learning styles and needs of the learners.

  • Learners can work together to complete activities and to learn from each other

  • Instructors can monitor the discussions around shared activities to make sure that they are productive and on-topic.

Cloud Storage Integration

Allows learners to store and share files in the cloud. This can be useful for sharing documents, presentations, and other files with other learners or with the instructor.

  • Makes files and data accessible from anywhere. This means that learners can access their work from home, school, or anywhere else 

  • Makes it easy to share files and data with others. This is helpful for collaboration, as learners can easily share their work with each other and with the instructor.

  • Can be used to back up files and data. This means that learners can be confident that their work is safe and secure.

Online Meeting Scheduling

Allows instructors to schedule online meetings with the learners. This can be useful for getting help with the course material or for collaborating on projects.

  • Allow instructors and learners to schedule meetings with each other to discuss their work and to get help from each other.

  • Allow instructors and learners to communicate with each other in real time for instantaneous feedback to improve their work and to understand the material better.

  • Encourages engagement and provides motivation by asking immediate questions, providing prompts, and responding to comments.

Two-way Messaging

Allows learners to send and receive messages with the instructor or with other learners. This can be useful for asking questions, getting help, or collaborating on projects.

  • Encourages asynchronous communication allowing learning to continue outside of the classroom setting.

  • In a project-based learning setting two-way messaging can be used to collaborate on projects where learners share their ideas and work together to complete the project.

  • In a flipped classroom setting, learners can use two-way messaging to ask the instructor questions about the material. This can help learners to get clarification on the material and to get support from the instructor.

A Place to Learn and Grow

The Collaborative Learning Platform provides multiple features to help educators and learners to collaborate, understand, and enhance engagement with the course material and with each other. 

The product is easy to use and is designed for learners of all ages and levels of experience.


Improved Communication

School management software can help to improve communication between school staff, parents, and students. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that information is shared quickly and easily.

Zedbud can help educators and learners achieve their goals. Learn more about how our solutions can help you and your team succeed.

Connecting School to Home

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